Globus Delicuisine+ Recipes

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«Globus Delicuisine» recipes produced, filmed and edit monthly by Ferrari&Kämpfen


The Challenge

Yet over 150 Cooking recipes and «How to’s» appearing in monthly intervals for GLOBUS a Swiss retail company founded in 1907. Filmed in the private kitchen of their Foodscout Richard Kägi who has been traveling around the world for over 20 years in search of culinary treasures. The challenge was to capture all the preparing steps of up to 10 receipes a day along with the delicious finishing images.

Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-18 um 17.59.51Bildschirmfoto 2017-07-12 um 13.11.57
Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-17 um 15.21.56
